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When you know who you are,
You are powerful!

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Hosted by Ken Kasterko

In every episode, I interview an ordinary but extraordinary person on their identity journey.


An identity journey is the unique journey taken in your life to get to where you are now.


That journey is not only fascinating but inspiring and encouraging to others.


My goal is to empower people to not only understand but truly embrace their authentic selves. 


Knowing who you are can change the way you see the world and others around you.  


When you know who you are, you are powerful.

Stone Wall

When you know who you are,
you can help change the world.

or at least your little corner of it

I'm Ken Kasterko

Identity Development Specialist


Ultra Runner 

Operations Manager

Story Teller and Seeker of Truth

I know what it feels like to be stuck and unsure of who I am. I’ve been there before and I know the way forward.


That’s why I'm dedicated to helping people discover their authentic selves and become more powerful.


Stuck people just like you have been coming to me for help for 20+ years.

Empowering Through Identity

Contact Us


3856 S Curry Street

Carson City, NV 89703

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A Division of Endurance Business Services

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